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Alessandro Leonardi et al v. Sotheby’s Inc. et al: Discovery Application (Italy)

Application by Alessandro Leonardi, Alessandra Leonardi, and Anna Maria Zoni, described as "Italian residents who have been sued by the Struna Estate in the Court of Bologna, Italy as the surviving heirs (the Leonardis) and widow (Zoni) of Renzo Leonardi", to take discovery from Sotheby's Inc. and Iron Mountain Information Management LLC, d.b.a. Crozier Fine Arts, for use in legal proceedings in Italy regarding "a dispute stemming from a transaction in which the Applicants’ now-deceased patriarch, Renzo Leonardi, purchased a bronze Head of Fernande by Pablo Picasso from the now-deceased William Conrad Struna for $1 million dollars", filed at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.