Jeff Hoopes


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Capstone Capital Group LLC et al v. dck worldwide holdings Inc. et al: Complaint

Complaint in Capstone Capital Group LLC, Capstone Business Funding, LLC, and Capstone Credit, LLC, which claim to be owed $71 million v. dck worldwide holdings, Inc., DCK Worldwide, LLC, DCK North America LLC, DCK International LLC, DCK International SKN Limited, DCK California Construction, Inc., James Todman Construction (SPV) Limited, DCK Building Solutions Jamaica Limited, DCK Pacific Region, LLC, DCK Pacific Construction, LLC, dck Jamaica, LLC, DCK Carribbean Holding, Ltd., DCK Bermuda, Ltd., DCK/Bird Group, LLC, DCK Antigua Limited, Arena Investors, L. P., Arena Limited SPV, LLC, Daniel Zwirn, Andre Fang, Vincent DeVito, Jeff Hoopes, Purlin 2, LLC, and Liberty Mutual Insurance Company at the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York.