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Golden Sphinx Ltd.: Chapter 15 Petition (Jersey)

Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Main Proceeding in Jersey, in the Channel Islands, by Andrew Wood, as the Foreign Representative of Golden Sphinx Limited, described as a "passive investment-holding" vehicle whose ultimate beneficiaries are Alexander Sabadash, "formerly an elected Senator in Russia", his wife, Larisa Sabadash, and their two adult children and whose "principal assets" are a $45 million residence in Beverly Hills, California, and "certain debts from various parties", including Garry Itkin, described as a former director of the debtor who "engaged in fraudulent and unauthorized self-dealing actions", filed at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California.
Asia Momentum Fund

Cayman Fund ‘swindled Malaysian citizens out of $212M as part of 1MDB fraud’

A Cayman Islands fund allegedly swindled a British Virgin Islands investment vehicle whose ultimate investors were "citizens of Malaysia" out of more than $200 million as part of the 1MDB fraud, all while its directors, Stuart Brankin (pictured), Desmond Campbell, and Christine Godfrey, collectively received fees and expenses "totaling more than US$100,000", it has been claimed in a lawsuit.

SRC International (Malaysia) Ltd. v. Asia Momentum Fund (SPC) Ltd.: ‘Court Supervision’ Petition (‘1MDB Fraud’)

Petition for Court Supervision of a Voluntary Liquidation in SRC International (Malaysia) Limited (in Liquidation), a British Virgin Islands-domiciled company whose ultimate parent was 1Malaysia Development Berhad, a.k.a. 1MDB, until 2012, when its ownership was transferred to "the Malaysian Ministry of Finance" v. Asia Momentum Fund (SPC) Ltd. (in Voluntary Liquidation) at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

Zuca Properties LLC: Chapter 11 Petition

Chapter 11 Petition by Zuca Properties LLC, a Delaware company based in Geneva, Switzerland, that "was established to acquire property investments", at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. The seven largest unsecured creditors, with claims totaling more than $55 million, include those based in Brunei Darussalam, Jersey, in the Channel Islands; Luxembourg, Switzerland, and the United States.

Timothy O’Hern et al v. Vida Longevity Fund LP et al: Class Action Complaint

Class Action Complaint in Timothy O'Hern, Semyon Rodkin, and Dominic Cardinale v. Vida Longevity Fund LP, described as a Delaware-domiciled "open-ended investment fund specializing in the life settlement industry"; Vida Management I LLC, of Delaware; Vida Capital Management LLC, of Delaware; Vida Capital Inc., described as a Delaware corporation partly owned by British Virgin Islands-domiciled JTC Longevity Investments Ltd.; Vida Capital LLC, of Delaware, and Jeffrey R. Serra at the U. S. District Court for the District of Delaware.