Keith Harris


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Privilege Wealth look-alike C-Tech Financial seeks millions from investors

British businessmen who fronted a failed attempt to keep the collapsed Privilege Wealth investment scheme going under another name in 2017 after it was exposed by OffshoreAlert have launched a look-alike in Florida and England, C-Tech Financial. They are Keith Harris, who is Deputy Chairman of Everton Football Club, and Andrew MacKenzie, who once ran the image rights firm of British politician and Olympic champion Sebastian Coe.

Last director of Privilege Wealth spin-off Creditech Plc resigns

The last remaining director of British firm Creditech Plc has quit, seemingly signaling the end of a firm that was attempting to continue an investment fraud that began as Privilege Wealth. Since being approached by OffshoreAlert less than a month ago, Creditech's entire board and its secretary have all resigned.

Brett Jolly rolls Privilege Wealth investment scam into ‘Creditech’

Banned company director and serial fraudster Brett Jolly has resurrected his failed Privilege Wealth investment scheme under a new name - Creditech - using as fronts two well-connected British nationals who quickly resigned after being contacted by OffshoreAlert, we can reveal.

Rutland Baker et al v. Gerova Financial Group Ltd. et al: Amended Class Action Complaint

Amended Class Action Complaint in Rutland Baker, Xianhua Xu, Ali Arar, Elenore Kram, and Bruce Henry v. Gerova Financial Group Ltd., Gary Hirst, Michael Hlavsa, Joseph Bianco, Jack Doueck, Arie Van Roon, Keith Laslop, Richard Rudy, Stillwater Capital Partners, Inc., and Stillwater Capital Partners, LLC at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.