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SEC v. Joseph Cammarata et al: Freezing Order

Complaint in U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission v. Joseph Cammarata, Erik Cohen, David Punturieri, AlphaPlus Portfolio Recovery Corp., and Alpha Plus Recovery LLC at the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

SEC v. Joseph Cammarata et al: Complaint

Complaint alleging the defendants "stole at least $40 million from approximately 400 distribution funds that formed as a result of resolutions of securities class actions and Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement actions, to distribute money obtained through settlements or judgments to injured investors" involving entities in the Bahamas, Colombia, Gibraltar, and the USA in U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission v. Joseph A. Cammarata, described as a resident of New Jersey who "owns an island in the Caribbean"; Erik Cohen, of New Jersey; David H. Punturieri, of New York; AlphaPlus Portfolio Recovery Corp., of New Jersey, and Alpha Plus Recovery LLC, of New Jersey, at the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.