Mark Le Tissier

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VTBC Asset Management International Ltd.: Administration (‘Russo-Ukrainian war’)

News Release by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission that it has successfully applied for the administration of VTBC Asset Management International Limited "in order to protect the interests of investors and the reputation of the Bailiwick as a financial centre given the ongoing impact of sanctions resulting from the Russo-Ukrainian war".

Insider Talking: April 6, 2006

Nicolas Eugene Grant St. James charged with cannabis possession in UK, a look at the record of criminal-friendly judge Jon Isaacs in the Bahamas, liquidator of Suisse Security Bank and Trust charges creditors extra if they want to receive his creditors' reports, long after denying it, Marcus Queree acknowledge's fraudster Robert Raven's involvement in the group of companies known as 'Sidera'; and a look at CFTC Chairman Reuben Jeffery III's role in one of the biggest insurance frauds in history.