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Belgium seeks information on US firms for probe into alleged investment scam

Article based on an application to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged investment fraud and money laundering - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Belgium - that was filed at the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York on March 12, 2007. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the complaint include Charles Van Renynghe de Voxvrie, Marc Denaghel, Marc Driesen, Carlton Cambridge, Premier Corporate Services, American Science Developments Group Inc., US Corporation Services, Witt-Wall Street International Trading Trust Inc., International Business Consulting Inc., Worldwide Capital Consulting Corp., Paul Walker, Pan Global Financial Network Inc., The Universal Foundation, Marquis Bernard, Alexis P. de Menars, Business International Consult NV, Bancorp of the Americas, The People Investment Foundation, Steven Cuvelier, Flamtech, Abbott Investment, Abbot Worldwide Inc., Internetwork Ambassadors NV, Bank of America, Investec Ernst En Company, and Jacob Bijl.