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Switzerland: Dieter Behring et al (May 2006)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Switzerland into Dieter Behring, Arthur Buck, Beat Bengerter, Jean Kampf, Peter Josef Weibel, Willy Wuthrich, Raymond Pousaz and Anita Zweifel-Reidy for alleged investment fraud, theft, forgery and money laundering involving Moore Park Funding and related companies.

Switzerland: Dieter Behring et al (April 2006)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Switzerland into Dieter Behring, Arthur Buck, Beat Bangerter, Jean Kampf, Peter Josef Weibel, Willy Wuthrich, Raymond Pousaz, and Anita Zweifel-Reidy for suspected fraud, embezzlement, forgery and money laundering.