Ocean Bank


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Brazil: Carlos Antonio Lemos da Fonseca et al

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence from Ocean Bank - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Brazil - for a criminal investigation into "Carlos Antonio Lemos da Fonseca, Brasita Cigarros Industria e Comercio Ltda., and other individuals for six offenses, specifically, tax fraud, false statement, falsification of public seal or sign, criminal organization, unauthorized exchange operation, and money laundering".

Henrique Rodriguez Guillen v. Bank of America: Discovery Application

Application by Henrique Rodriguez Guillen to take discovery from Bank of America and The Northern Trust International Banking Corporation for use in "contemplated civil and criminal proceedings in the Dominican Republic and Barbados" involving HES (Caribbean) International Holdings, SRL, of Barbados, and allegations of "fraud and money laundering", filed at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

USA v. Mark Scott: Bill of Particulars

USA's Forfeiture Bill of Particulars in USA v. Mark Scott regarding accounts at DMS Bank and Trust Ltd., of the Cayman Islands; FirstCaribbean International Bank, Iberia Bank, RBC Dominion Securities Global Ltd., Dreyfus Sohne & Cie AG, Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod, Northern Trust Company, Ocean Bank, UBS Financial Services, and Wells Fargo Advisors and other property at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Argentina: Victor Taiariol

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Argentina - for a criminal investigation into Victor Taiariol, Lucas Taiariol, and Gustavo Daniel Parisi for suspected embezzlement and fraud.

USA v. Prevezon Holdings Ltd. et al: Forfeiture Complaint

Forfeiture Complaint in USA v. Prevezon Holdings Ltd., Prevezon Alexander, LLC, Prevezon Soho USA, LLC, Prevezon Seven USA, LLC, Prevezon Pine USA, LLC, Prevezon 1711 USA, LLC, Prevezon 1810, LLC, Prevezon 2009 USA, LLC, Prevezon 2011 USA, LLC, Ferencoi Investments, Ltd., and Kolevins, Ltd. at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, regarding the proceeds of an alleged tax fraud in Russia that, inter alia, led to the death of attorney Sergei Magnitsky.

Colombia: Oscar Gonzalez Arana et al

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Colombia - for a criminal investigation into Oscar Gonzalez Arana and his wife, Beatriz Alicia Noguera Pardey, for suspected corruption.

British Virgin Islands: Kevin Sweeney (Alabama)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from the British Virgin Islands - for a criminal investigation into Kevin Sweeney for the suspected theft of funds from his employer, VP Bank.

British Virgin Islands: Kevin Sweeney (Florida)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from the British Virgin Islands - for a criminal investigation into Kevin Sweeney for allegedly stealing from and defrauding his employer, VP Bank.

Costa Rica requests account information from US banks for corruption investigation into former president

Article based on an application to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged corruption by former President Miguel Angel Rodriguez Echeverria and others - pursuant to requests for judicial assistance from Costa Rica - that was filed at federal court in the USA on June 19, 2008. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the request for assistance include Miguel Angel Rodriguez Echeverria, Jose Antonio Lobo Solera, Edgar Valverde Acosta, Rodrigo Alberto Mendez Soto, Joaquin Alberto Fernandez Alfaro, Luis Adrin Quiroscarmona, Guido Sibaja Fonseca, Eduardo Fonseca Garcia, Leonel Barrios Arce, Hernan Bravo Trejos, Alfonso Guardia Mora, Eliseo Vargas Garcia, Christian Sapcizian, Tauro Comer SA, NCR Holding, Teleinvest, Holding de Valores y Capitales SA, Banco Internacional de Costa Rica, Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, Wachovia Bank, Citibank NA, First Union Bank International, Banco Cuscatlan, Cuscatlan International Bank, ABN AMRO Bank, Macro Investment Ltd., Servicios Notariales Q.C., Bank Atlantic, Ocean Bank, Banco Aleman Platina SA, International Bank of China, George Huang, Rafael Sequeira Garza, Donald Murrilo Pizarro, Grupo Ganadero, Inversiones Denisse SA, The Friendship Company Ltd., Costa Rica Electricity Institute, Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad, Alcatel, Alcatel de Costa Rica, and Pieles Costarricense.

Costa Rica: Miguel Angel Rodriguez Echeverria et al

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Costa Rica into the country's former President, Miguel Angel Rodriguez Echeverria, former head of state electrical company, Jose Antonio Lobo Solera, Alfonso Guardia Mora, Guido Sibaja, Edgar Valverde Acosta, Adrian Quiros Carmona, Jose Joaquin Fernandez, Eliseo Vargas Garcia, Rodrigo Mendez Soto, Leonel Barrios and Hernan Bravo Trejos for suspected corruption and illicit enrichment.

Argentina seeks Ocean Bank (Miami) records for fraud investigation

Article based on an application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged fraud - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Argentina - that was filed at federal court in the USA on March 28, 2008. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the request for assistance include Gilberto Nei Miranda de Brito, Ricardo Gabriel Almonacid, Picnei SA, Ocean Bank, Alberto Salvador Zlotogora and Raquel Leonor Pellaton.

Spain seeks records at Ocean Bank (Miami) for criminal investigation

Article based on an application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged narcotics trafficking and money laundering - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Spain - that was filed at federal court in the USA on April 11, 2008. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the request for assistance include Benito Gallego Valladares, Mustapha El Abboubi, Ocean Bank, Ebikon Commercial Inc., Jose Antonio Fernandez Blanco, Rafael Lorente Dias, Riomar Properties Limited Inc., Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Banco Santander Central Hispano, Nanton International, Alfonso Juncal Santos, Marc Dowal, Marcelo Patricio Arcos Astudillo, Mohamed El Abboubi, Luis Ansorena Perez, Angel Antonio Roman Martin, Riomar USA, Riomar Commercial Corp., Oceania Lines Inc., Artere Congel SARL, Morocco Pesca I, and Morocco Pesca II.

Spain: Benito Gallego Valladares

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Spain into Benito Gallego Valladares and Mustapha El Abboubi for alleged money laundering and narcotics trafficking.

Argentina: Gilberto Nei Miranda de Brito et al

An application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation by Argentina into Gilberto Nei Miranda de Brito and Ricardo Gabriel Almonacid for alleged fraud.

Brazil seeks records at Ocean Bank in Miami

Article based on an application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into tax fraud and money laundering - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Brazil - that was filed at federal court in the USA on November 27, 2007. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the request for assistance inclue Mohamad Daoud Awale, Beacon Hill Service Corporation, and Ocean Bank.

Brazil: Mohamad Daoud Awale

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Brazil into Mohamad Daoud Awale for suspected money laundering.

Ocean Bank records sought by Mexican fraud investigators

Article based on an application for permission to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged fraud - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Mexico - that was filed at federal court in the USA on June 21, 2006. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the request for assistance include Lorenzo Castro Garcia, Consultoria Internacional Casa de Cambio, Ocean Bank, Renee Maria H. Gaviria de Castro, ZCIA SA de CV, CI Maquila Internacional de Confeccion, SA, and Fabrica de Textiles Tolima.

Mexico: Lorenzo Castro Garcia

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Mexico into Lorenzo Castro Garcia for alleged fraud.

Latin America Round-Up: March 6, 2006

ARGENTINA: New Anti-Money Laundering unit; BRAZIL: PineBank under Scrutiny in Miami; CHILE: More controls over casinos; COLOMBIA: Businessman accused of money laundering; Rodríguez Orejuela's son in trouble; DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: The Anti-Laundering Unit fever goes on; GUATEMALA: US to help in anti-laundering efforts; INTERNATIONAL: New guidelines for correspondent banks; REGIONAL: In the footsteps of their fathers; and PERU: Laundered money is about $550 Million.

Dutch investigators seek evidence from Ocean Bank (Miami) for narcotics trafficking investigation

Article based on an application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged narcotics trafficking - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from the Netherlands - that was filed at federal court in the USA on January 13, 2005. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the request for assistance include Rogelio Gregory Koeiman, Faina Edwards Castillo, and Ocean Bank.

Netherlands: Rogelio Gregory Koeiman

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in the Netherlands into Rogelio Gregory Koeiman for alleged narcotics trafficking and money laundering.

Peru: Jaime Fernando Bellido Romero et al

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Peru into Jaime Fernando Bellido Romero and Jose Fernando Bellido de Lama for alleged money laundering, specifically concealing real and personal properties owned by Jose Enrique Crousillat Lopez Torres and Jose Francisco Crousillat Carreno.

Peru: Marco Antonio Ibarcena Dwozak et al

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Peru into Marco Antonio Ibarcena-Dwozak and Americo Antonio Ibarcena Amico for alleged corruption.

Prominent offshore attorney in bitter dispute with ex-employee

Attorney Denis Kleinfeld has become embroiled in bitter litigation with a former associate of Kleinfeld's United States-based law firm, which specializes in offshore asset protection and tax planning.No fewer than seven civil lawsuits were filed by one side against the other at Miami-Dade Circuit Court, in Florida, over five months this year.

Trinidad & Tobago seeks evidence in Florida for fraud investigation

Article based on an application to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged fraud - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Trinidad & Tobago - that was filed at federal court in the USA on October 24, 2003. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the request for assistance include Telecommunication Services of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd., Scotia Bank, Clyde Joseph, Maureen Scott, Aline McLean Jones, Cedric Cole, Ameritec Commercial Trading, Bank Atlantic, Intromicro, Ocean Bank, and USA Intercell.

Ukraine: Valeriy Serhiyovych Kodru

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Ukraine into Valeriy Serhiyovych Kodru for alleged embezzlement and corruption.

Spain: Umberto Socorregut

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Spain into Umberto Socorregut for alleged fraud.

Brazil: Jose Samuel Benzecry

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into Marcos Marcelino De Oliveira, Jose Samuel Benzecry,Ourvoida Serruya Benzecry, Leonardo Dias Mendonca and others for suspected money laundering, smuggling, foreign currency evasion, and tax evasion.

Netherlands: Giovannie M. M. de Jesus Van Ierland et al

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in the Netherlands into Giovannie M. M. de Jesus Van Ierland and others for alleged narcotics trafficking and money laundering.

Italy: Giuseppe Lucchi

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Italy into Giuseppe Lucchi for alleged money laundering.