Rachel Faranaz Lalbiharie

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Rachel Faranaz Lalbiharie v. Citibank N.A.: Discovery Application (Suriname)

Application by Rachel Ester Faranaz Lalbiharie to take discovery from Citibank N.A. "for use in connection with a reasonably contemplated probate matter in Suriname" in which "the heirs to the Testator’s estate - including Applicant, her mother, Rachel Annette Halima Shaik Soeltan, and her siblings, Ronald Reza Raoul Lalbiharie, Karin Sandra Pallavi Lalbiharie, and Claudia Annette Parveen Lalbiharie - will be litigating the proper distribution of the Testator’s assets in accordance with the Testator’s will", filed at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.