Randy Akers


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Sunclear Energy sued for alleged fraud

A civil complaint alleging securities fraud has been filed in the United States against a firm whose unregistered shares are sold at offshore events.It is the latest in a long line of controversies surrounding Sunclear Energy Inc., its bankrupt affiliate

Insider Talking: May 31, 2002

OffshoreAlert has received a letter from an Arizona based client of Grenada licensed Cornerstone International Savings and Investment Bank, which was taken over by the Grenada authorities on April 25, 2002 - AFTER the bank's principals had already disappeared without

Court judgment against David Rose energy company

A company operated by David G. Rose, who promotes unregistered oil and gas shares at offshore conferences, has lost a judgment in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana.On March 28, 2002, Judge Martin Feldman ruled that Nevada-registered Rose Energy Ltd. had forfeited its interest in an oil, gas and mineral well at Jefferson Parish, Louisiana.