Rhys Roberts


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British accountants charged with offshore scam

Two British nationals have been charged with defrauding clients of companies in the Bahamas and England in a high yield investment scam.Shinder Gangar, 44, and Alan White, 47, were each charged with two counts of conspiracy to defraud at Leicester

United Kingdom: Shinder Gangar et al (Texas)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in the United Kingdom into Shinder Gangar and others for alleged investment fraud.

UK SFO seeks US bank records in $240 m fraud inquiry

British criminal investigators have moved to subpoena bank records in the United States as part of an investigation into an alleged $240 million investment fraud.It is part of an investigation by the Serious Fraud Office into 11 people on both sides of the Atlantic who are suspected of money laundering and conspiracy to commit fraud.

United Kingdom: Shinder Gangar et al (Florida)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged investment fraud and money laundering by Shinder Gangar and others.