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Carlyle Aviation Management Ltd. et al v. Best Meridian Insurance Company et al: Writ of Summons (‘$186M Indemnity’)

Writ of Summons in Carlyle Aviation Management Limited, SASOF IV (E) Aviation Ireland DAC, SASOF II (A10) Aviation Ireland DAC, Lapis Aircraft Leasing Limited, Ltd., SASOF III (A21) Aviation Ireland DAC, and Fly Aircraft Holdings Thirty-One Limited, who "are the owners, lessors, trustees and/or assignees in respect of the financing of airframes and engines" v. Best Meridian Insurance Company, of Miami, Florida, USA; Best Meridian International Insurance Company SPC, c/o Hyperion Insurance Management (Cayman) Limited; Global BRG LLC, of Sunrise, Florida, USA; Ingosstrakh Insurance Company Ltd., of Moscow, Russia, and JSC Group of Insurance Companies Ugoria, of Ugra, Russia, at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands

Delta Air Lines Inc. v. Caribbean Airlines Ltd. et al: Removal

Notice of Removal, including a copy of the complaint in which the plaintiff is seeking damages of $2.3 million, in Delta Air Lines Inc. v. Caribbean Airlines Limited, of Trinidad & Tobago, and SASOF III (A21) Aviation Ireland Designated Activity Company, of Ireland, at the U. S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.