Simon Lesser


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RS Investments Ltd. et al v. RSM Cayman Ltd. et al: Opinion

Opinion in RS Investments Ltd., Corrado Investments Limited, Eden Rock Finance Master Limited, Eden Rock Asset Based Lending Master Limited, Eden Rock Unleveraged Finance Master Limited, and Solid Rock Special Situations 2 Limited v. RSM US, LLP, RSM Cayman Ltd., and Simon Lesser at the Appellate Court of Illinois, First Judicial District.

McGladrey & Pullen (Cayman) sued for $1.5B by hedge fund investors

The Bankruptcy Trustee of two hedge fund groups that allegedly lost $1.5 billion due to fraud is suing auditor McGladrey & Pullen (Cayman) and related parties.Ronald R. Peterson, as Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee for Lancelot Investors Fund LP, Lancelot Investors