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USA v. Arnold Wrobel et al: Criminal Indictment

Criminal Indictment alleging securities fraud and money laundering involving a boiler room in that "used a variety of names, beginning with Newbridge International, then Brecon Global, then Strategic Energy Partners, and then Hammerson Equity Group" in USA v. Arnold Wrobel, a.k.a. Jim Palmer; a citizen of the United States residing in Spain; Martin Rhys Jones, a.k.a. Martin Reece, a citizen of the United Kingdom residing in Spain; Monica Romaszako, a.k.a. Monica Wrobel; Gene Clark Foland, Jeffrey G. Klein, Walter Tatum, Joel Marcus, Saad Shuaib, a citizen of Kuwait; David Cole, a citizen of the United Kingdom residing in Spain; Raymond Malizio, a citizen of the United States residing in Spain; Kyle Clayton, a.k.a. Kyle Swift, a.k.a. Richard Walker, a.k.a. Kyle McCauley, and Jamie Lee Church, a.k.a. Charlotte Keys, a citizen of the United Kingdom residing in Spain, at the U. S. District Court for the Western District of New York.