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Reinsurers seek to avoid $30 m-plus claims by chemicals manufacturer

Fourteen reinsurers, including four based in Bermuda, has brought a legal action against a New York Stock Exchange listed chemicals manufacturer and its captive insurer in an attempt to avoid paying claims totaling more than $30 million arising from Hurricane

Storage group sues Bermuda insurers over Hurricane Katrina claims

Several Bermuda insurers have been named as defendants in a Hurricane Katrina related lawsuit filed in the United States.Safeguard Storage Properties LLC and 36 of its subsidiaries have filed a complaint against Endurance Specialty Insurance Company, Axis Specialty Insurance Co.,

Bermuda insurers attempt to force arbitration on NYSE-listed firm

Reinsurers in Bermuda and elsewhere are seeking to force a Vermont based captive and its NYSE listed parent to arbitrate a dispute involving claims from a fire at a chemical manufacturing plant.A motion to compel arbitration was filed against International