Thomas Brown


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Bermuda News Briefs: April 30, 2004

Bermuda News Briefs: Half of the 37,000 registered trademarks in Bermuda have been lost from the computerized Trademark Registry following a crash, The Royal Gazette newspaper reported on March 27, 2004; Centre Reinsurance International Co. has obtained a judgment for $4.4 million against Margent Group Inc. and Thomas G. Brown; Oil Insurance Limited announced on April 6 that two more energy companies had joined, continuing the recent trend of additions to its membership; AXIS U.S. Insurance has expanded its professional lines capabilities with the formation of a new professional liability unit and the establishment of a dedicated unit for financial institutions business; XL Capital Ltd. announced on April 19 that it would enter into the market for primary casualty risk management programs for major U.S. corporations; and details of several lawsuits involving Bermuda-domiciled firms that have been filed in the USA.

State of Florida v. John McGarrity et al: Criminal Indictment

Criminal Indictment alleging racketeering and securities fraud in State of Florida v. John McGarrity James T. Staples, Joseph Monaco, James Deas, Francis Clarkson, John McGarrity, John Manion, Jeff Mann, Rich Mann, David Trotter, Steven Schaefer, Jeno Koch, and Julie Gilvary at Florida Supreme Court.