Tomas Beneth


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SEC v. Francis Biller et al: Complaint

Complaint alleging "the Defendants schemed to operate a call center in Medellin, Colombia through which they used high pressure sales tactics fraudulently to sell the stocks of numerous small United States-based public companies to United States investors" in U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission v. Francis Biller, described as a citizen of Canada residing in Colombia; Raymond Dove, described as a citizen of Canada residing in Japan; Chester Alvarez, described as a citizen of the USA residing in Colombia and Oakland Park, Florida, USA; Troy Gran-Brooks, described as a citizen of Canada residing in Colombia or Canada, and Justin Plaizier, described as a citizen of the Netherlands residing in Colombia or Canada, as Defendants, and Lia Patricia Sepulveda Salazar, Edward Lopez Giraldo, Edward Clarke, and Shredderz International Corp., of Saint Kitts and Nevis, as Relief Defendants, at the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York.