Traded Policies Fund

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Jeremy Leach-Managing Partners

British fund manager Jeremy Leach and his firms settle fraud litigation for $11.5M

Four days before a trial was due to start in the Cayman Islands, British fund manager Jeremy Leach and eight of his firms settled a fraud complaint by agreeing to pay $11.5 million over 22 months, OffshoreAlert can reveal. Despite a plethora of red flags, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority continues to license Leach's Managing Partners Group and its funds and the group also operates entities in the British Virgin Islands, England, Malta, Spain, and Switzerland.

Traded Life Policies Fund v. Jeremy Leach et al: Writ of Summons

Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim alleging fraud in Traded Life Policies Fund (in Official Liquidation) and Michael Penner (as Joint Official Liquidator of Traded Life Policies Fund) v. Jeremy Leach, of Arundel, West Sussex, England; William McClintock, of Romsey, England; Managing Partners Limited, Praesidium Investment Fund, Sovereign High Security Fund SPC, Corinthian Growth Fund, and Traded Policies Fund, all of the Cayman Islands; Taurus Administration Services SL, of Spain, and MPL Asset Management SA, of Switzerland, at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.