Vera Kazakov


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Elena Bourlakova et al v. Steven Landau et al: Judicial Assistance (Switzerland)

Motion by Counter Defendants Loudmila Bourlakova, Elena Bourlakova, Veronica Bourlakova, and Gregory Gliner to take discovery from UBS AG in Switzerland in Elena Bourlakova and Veronica Bourlakova v. Steven Landau, Thomas Butler, Natalia Rousso, Nikolai Kazakov, Vera Kazakov, Semen Anufriev, Igor Krutoy, and Olga Kroutoia at the Circuit Court of the 11th Judicial Circuit, in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA.

Elena Bourlakova et al v. Steven Landau et al: Kazakov Defendants’ Reply (‘Motion to Compel Disclosure’)

Kazakov Defendants' Reply in Support of Motion to Compel Disclosure of Improperly Obtained Privileged and Confidential Documents in Elena Bourlakova and Veronica Bourlakova v. Steven Landau, Thomas Butler, Natalia Rousso, Nikolai Kazakov, Vera Kazakov, Semen Anufriev, Igor Krutoy, and Olga Kroutoia at the Circuit Court of the 11th Judicial Circuit, in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA.

Loudmila Bourlakova et al v. The Clearing House Payments Company LLC: Discovery Application (England)

Application by Loudmila Bourlakova, described as "a resident of Monaco who was born in Ukraine", and Veronica Bourlakova, who "lives in the United Kingdom, and was born in Ukraine", described as the widow and daughter, respectively, of Oleg Bourlakov, described as "a Ukrainian, Russian and Canadian national" who "developed and set into motion a plan to hide Bourlakov Family Assets from his wife and adult daughters", to take discovery from The Clearing House Payments Company L.L.C. for use in legal proceedings in England, filed at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.