Xueyuan Han


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Huzhou Chuangtai Rongyuan Investment Management Partnership et al v. Hui Qin et al: Complaint (‘$500M Judgment Enforcement’)

Complaint in Huzhou Chuangtai Rongyuan Investment Management Partnership, Huzhou Huihengying Equity Investment Partnership, and Huzhou Huirongsheng Equity Investment Partnership v. Applegreen Family Trust, Applegreen LLC, Bryn Mawr, Duo Liu, Golden Kirin LLC, Golden Land Funds LLC, Golden Little Dragon, Golden Little Elephant Inc., Golden Mermaid LLC, Golden Pegasus LLC, HS-QYNM Family, Inc., Hangyuan Zhang, Harushio LLC, Hatakaze LLC, Hfre, LLC, Hudson Group LLC, Hui Qin, I Love GLE Trust, John and Jane Does 1-20, King Fame Trading (BVI), Luban Construction Inc., Luxury Team, Inc., Masterpiece Holding Group LTD., Maxim Credit Group LLC, New Land Capital LLC, PH2003 Unit LLC, Qin Family Trust, Qynm Family Holding LLC, Ruolei Liu, St. Fortune Group LLC, St. Grand Ceremony LLC, St. Tome LLC, Trident Trust Company, Trust Company of Delaware, Xuemin Liu, Xueyuan Han, and YouYork Management LLC at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Jing Zhang et al v. Xueyuan Han et al: First Amended Complaint

First Amended Complaint alleging fraud in Jing Zhang, Wei Fan, Minglian Zhang, and Jun Zhou, all of China v. Xueyuan Han, a.k.a. Hank Han, described as a citizen of China with an address in New York; Hanfor Holdings Co., Ltd., of the British Virgin Islands; HF Holdings Limited, of the British Virgin Islands; Hanfor Capital Management Co., Ltd., of China; Nuoyuan Capital Management Company Ltd., of China; George Xu, of New York; Junjun Feng, described as a citizen of China with an address in New York; Wennan Ao, described as a citizen of China with an address in New York; BZ Industrial (China), BZ Industrial (BVI), BZ Industrial (Cayman Islands), Hanfor (Cayman) Limited, of the Cayman Islands; HFRE LLC, of New York; HF Capital Management Cay Inc., of the Cayman Islands; HF Cosmopolitan Beta L.P., of the Cayman Islands, and Hengtai Securities Co., Ltd., described as "a Chinese company publicly traded in Hong Kong", at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Jing Zhang et al v. Xueyuan Han et al: TRO Motion

Proposed Ex Parte Order to Show Cause for Temporary Restraining Order in Jing Zhang, Wei Fan, Minglian Zhang, and Jun Zhou, all of China v. Xueyuan Han, a.k.a. Hank Han, described as a citizen of China with an address in New York; Hanfor Holdings Co., Ltd., of the British Virgin Islands; HF Holdings Limited, of the British Virgin Islands; Hanfor Capital Management Co., Ltd., of China; Nuoyuan Capital Management Company Ltd., of China; George Xu, of New York; Junjun Feng, described as a citizen of China with an address in New York; Wennan Ao, described as a citizen of China with an address in New York; BZ Industrial (China), BZ Industrial (BVI), BZ Industrial (Cayman Islands), Hanfor (Cayman) Limited, of the Cayman Islands; HFRE LLC, of New York; HF Capital Management Cay Inc., of the Cayman Islands; HF Cosmopolitan Beta L.P., of the Cayman Islands, and Hengtai Securities Co., Ltd., described as "a Chinese company publicly traded in Hong Kong", at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.