The IRS vs. Offshore Tax Evaders: An Update

This session will look at the latest developments in the quest by the IRS to collect taxes from U.S. taxpayers with undeclared accounts in foreign jurisdictions and to prosecute and penalize those taxpayers whose structures are considered to be illegal and the service providers who assist them. Among the topics discussed will be the IRS' new International Data Exchange Service, which is an electronic delivery point where Financial Institutions and Host Country Tax Authorities can transmit and exchange FATCA data with the United States. Speakers
  • Dan Reeves, Founder, Offshore Compliance & Enforcement Consulting Group & Retired Senior Advisor, IRS Offshore Compliance Initiative (New Jersey)
  • Lindsey Stellwagen, Special Counsel International, IRS (Washington, D.C.)
  • Carolyn A. Schenck, Senior Counsel, Office of Chief Counsel, IRS (Los Angeles)
  • Bryan Stiernagle, Program Manager, Offshore Compliance Initiative, IRS (Minnesota)


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